
The people and portrait photographer from Cologne, Germany specialised in corporate, business and advertising photography.

As a commercial photographer and filmmaker, it is important to Valery to create authenticity in his images. With over 30 years of professional experience, he is able to reliably create photographs that not just look good, but also do convey the desired feeling for the target group. With his focus on honesty and discretion, he works to capture the most realistic moments possible and present them in a charming and personable way. Thanks to his bilingualism, many years of experience with celebrities, business leaders, family businesses and industrial groups, extensive international shooting experience and a worldwide network, Valery knows how to bring complex visions to life.

Valery Kloubert is a member of the Laif photo agency and the German Society for Photography DGPh. He supports the DKMS, Bloodcancer Foundation with his glass plate photo art project and is a frequent supporter of local charity projects.

People- and Portrait- photographer from Cologne/Duesseldorf (western Germany) specialized on corporate- advertising and celebrity-photography.

Valery Kloubert is specialized on people and portrait photography and based in from Cologne / Düsseldorf, Germany, focusing on corporate and advertising photography.
Born in Cologne, Valéry Kloubert (* 1974), has dealt with the beginnings of photography for years and is giving a new look to dryplates in his art projects. His photographic work is regularly found in advertising campaigns and editorials. His art project “opinion pictures” favors the German bone marrow donor DKMS …

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Dryplate black & white negativ production


The photo portfolio shows a selection of current production. On request, we would be happy to send you an individual look book with suitable photographs. Just call on +49 163 55 68 237 or write an e-mail to the photographers office.

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Photography news

Sängerin Vanessa Mai fotografiert für Schogetten in Köln von Valery Kloubert

Schogetten: Vanessa Mai

She loves chocolate and fancy flavors. One reason why the successful singer Vanessa Mai is now promoting the new “Blonde” flavors of the famous and popular Schogetten. Schogetten Blonde - Blonde…

Portrait of maintenance engineer at Rittal Factory in Haiger, Germany

Rittal: Employer Branding

When a machine stops working, help is needed quickly. This help is provided by Rittal's maintenance engineers. Industrial mechanic Robin at the Rittal plant in Haiger not only helps machines, but…

Werbekampagne Gaffel Fassbrause 2024 Stadionbad Köln Müngersdorf Fotograf: Valery Kloubert Köln

Fassbrause: Kampagne 2024

Gaffel's Fassbrause is now a real refreshment classic. The Cologne-based private brewery Gaffel has set a trend and created a naturally sweetened lemonade. The campaign for this, conceived by the…


Sinziger Mineralbrunnen: Olympia Testimonial Majtie Kolberg

Thanks to its mineralization, Sinziger mineral water is ideal as a thirst quencher for athletes. Local Olympic Majte Kolber from the neighboring community of Sinzig, Ahrweiler in the Eifel region has…

Electronic Arts Michaela Bartelt Corporate Portrait Foto, Köln Rheinauhafen

Management Portrait: Electronic Arts

She started 25 years ago at Electronic Arts in Cologne - Michaela Bartelt-Krantz has long been coordinating the translation, dubbing and voice-overs for the US publisher's PC, console and mobile…

Valery Klouber Industriefotografie Köln

Employer Branding: Viega

Viega is one of the global market and technology leaders in the sanitary and heating sector. In Germany alone, there is hardly a building in which Viega products are not installed. In order to…

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Image and documentary films inspire viewers and get the message across. Films have the task of bringing the statements to the viewer with exciting perspectives and good stories.

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Photo-art: handmade large format black and white dryplates

Celebrities photographed on high-resolution, handcrafted, analog glass plate negatives.

Meinungsbilder Vernissage Art.Fair. Portraits prominenter Persönlichkeiten zugunsten der DKMS von dem Fotografen Valery Kloubert aus Köln

“Meinungsbilder” by Valery Kloubert: 20,000 EUR proceeds for charity art project

Famouse german personalities photographed on handcrafted historical gelatine glass plates with modern analog camera technology. Extremely sharp and extremely large. The traveling exhibition with…

Finissage der Meinungsbilder Ausstellung mit Glasplattenportraits in Köln von dem Fotografen Valery Kloubert

Finissage of the art exhibition for the benefit of the DKMS

After a small roundtrip in Germany, starting in Düsseldorf, via Lingen in the norzh, the large portraits of the "opinion pictures" (Meinungsbilder) have now returned to Cologne. At the end the…

Meinungsbilder Vernissage Innside Düsseldorf mit Professor Dietrich Grönemeyer

“Meinungsbilder” Vernissage: Celebrities portrayed on glassplates

In the presence of Professor Dietrich Grönemeyer, the vernissage of the current exhibition at the Hotel INNSIDE Düsseldorf Seestern. took place The large-format portraits can be seen until 26th April…

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contact to Valery Kloubert

Valery Kloubert, Fotograf aus Köln

Valery Kloubert, photographer DGPh

Office +49 2234 691212
Mobile +49 163 5568237
E-Mail mail(at)kloubert.com

Represented by: Agentur für Photographen

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